History of St. Paul's

The church building dates from 1936, although the south aisle and side rooms date from after the second World War when the building was finished. Some parts of the furnishings date from earlier than the building, such as the stained-glass windows, the organ, the Lady Chapel screen, altar and reredos, many of which come from the demolished St Jude’s Church, Gray’s Inn Road London.


The parish was a church plant from St Martin’s Ruislip, and subsequently St Mary’s South Ruislip was a plant from this church. The building is grade 2 listed, is basilica shaped and was designed by Nugent Francis Cachmaille-Day. The foundation stone was laid by the Dean of Windsor in July 1936 and the building consecrated by Bishop Winnington Ingram of London in November 1936.

There are three statues in the church: Jesus Christ; designed by Christopher Webb, is seen on the east Wall behind the high altar, the Blessed Virgin Mary is on the north side of the church and St Paul on the south side.  The church has undergone changes over the years. There was brick, sanctuary walls, pulpit and lectern, there was a south aisle chapel with reserved sacrament in a tabernacle, and there was much carpeting throughout the building.


There are a few stained-glass windows in the church. In the south aisle are St Michael, killing the dragon, and ‘Fides,’ the virtue of faith, where we get the word fidelity from. On the north wall in the Lady Chapel is St Agatha and two-coloured windows which are merely decorative. The west wall above the entrance is a round window depicting the Ascension of Jesus to heaven. The Apse at the east has five windows designed by Christopher Webb.


The organ is over a hundred years old and previously was in a chapel in Surrey. It came to us after the Second World War and was built by Bishop & Sons. Walkers installed it in this building. It is a two manual tracker organ with a pedal board which is pneumatic, and it has approximately 978 pipes to make the sound.

This is your church if you live in Ruislip Manor or Ruislip Gardens, your parish church in which to be married, have children Baptised and funerals can take place. Do visit us and get involved in our community as all are welcome.